Rapid and Precise Coronary CT Angiography
作者:Jacques Feignoux, M.D.(CCN心血管中心,法国) 翻译:刘士辰 刘华阳 审校:任心爽吕滨(中国医学科学院阜外心血管医院)
病史 Patient History
女性,60岁。主诉不典型胸痛。因合并其他风险因素。行CT检查进行冠状动脉评估。 A woman in her 60s with multiple risk factors andcomplaining about atypical chest pain was referred to CT for coronaryassessment.
Revolution CT采集参数 1-beat 心脏成像(图1)
图1: 1-beat 心脏采集
结论 该患者心率较快(屏气前心率为77 BPM,扫描时心率为69 BPM),采用80kV、单心跳舒张期采集,得到满足临床诊断的图像质量,而患者所受射线剂量仅为 0.25 mSv。(图2)。 On this patient with a relatively high heart rate & #40;77 BPMbefore apnea, 69 BPM during acquisition& #41;, the exam was performed within asingle diastolic phase, at 80 kV, enabling diagnostic quality images to beacquired at a quarter of a milliSievert.
图2: CCTA 图像
Jacques Feignoux医生的评价“单心动周期的轴位采集、新的ASiR-V迭代重建、低kV下高质量的图像,这些技术使Revolution CT可以常规应用非常低的射线剂量得到非常优秀的心脏图像。” Thanks to the one-beat axial acquisition, the newiterative reconstruction technology ASiR-V and the high image quality at low kV, Revolution CT delivers cardiac CT with excellent image quality at very low dose routinely.
共 1 个关于Revolution CT临床病例4——快速精准的冠状动脉CT成像,每天更新的回复 最后回复于 2015-09-29 17:12:47