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Characteristic MR and CT imaging findings of hepatobiliary paragonimiasis and their pathologic correlations.

Lu CY1Hu YJChen WX.

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·         1Department of Radiology, West China Hospital of Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China.



Hepatobiliary paragonimiasis HP is not commonly encountered and may be confused with hepatobiliary tumors; however, computed tomography CT and magnetic resonance imaging MRI features of HP allow this entity to be distinguished from other diseases.


To present the CT and MRI findings in patients with HP and to describe some specific imaging findings along with their pathological correlations.


Imaging and clinical findings of 21 patients 9 boys/men and 12 girls/women; age range 3-67 years; mean age 40 years who were diagnosed with HP were retrospectively evaluated. Among these patients, 16 underwent CT examination only, two had MR examination only, and three underwent both CT and MR. All patients underwent surgery, and the HP diagnosis was confirmed by the surgical and histopathologic results.


Chronic abdominal pain or back pain was reported by 14 patients, severe abdominal pain with acute onset was reported by one patient, and six patients were asymptomatic and were discovered incidentally. Peripheral eosinophilia was present in 14 patients 14/21, 66.7%, and abnormal liver function tests were found in 16 patients 16/21, 76.2%. Of the 19 patients who underwent CT imaging, 17 patients showed multiple mixed hypodense lesions or multiple cysts with inlaying septation with separate irregular rims or circular enhancement on post-contrast CT images. Tunnel-shaped microabscesses and necrotic cavities were found in the lesions of 12 of those 17 patients. The other two patients showed smaller cystic masses. MRI showed faveolate T1 hypointense and T2 hyperintense areas in the liver parenchyma with rim or peripheral enhancement. Nodular or circular hyperintense materials were found scattered in the lesions on T1-weighted imaging.


CT and MRI can reveal the radiological-pathological features of HP. Together with laboratory findings, MRI and CT findings may provide diagnostic clues, especially in endemic areas, that are very important for the selection of treatment methods.


Acta Radiol. 2012 Jun 1;535:481-4. doi: 10.1258/ar.2012.110539.

PMID: 22661601 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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