“跟科学家一起读文献”是对比剂学院重磅推出的全新环节。我们的高级应用(AA)团队的科学家们将从本月起,每月为您推荐和解读影像诊断方面的热点和实用文献,包括CT增强、MR增强和介入等方面。希望科学家的解读可以为您带来更实用的诊断方法,和更权威的学术信息。 关于GE药业高级应用团队 GE药业高级应用团队(Advanced Application team)致力于为放射学和临床及相关领域专家提供完善的科研解决方案,为临床提供直接影像证据,让更多的患者受益于医疗诊断水平的提高。 团队成员绝大多数是海外学成的医学或理工科博士,拥有丰富科研经验及临床经验的资深专家,他们从原理,技术,方法,临床应用和写作技巧等诸多方面为用户提供全面的学术支持。 从创立开始,GE药业高级应用团队就针对血液动力学研究方向深入挖掘,跟踪影像学及临床科研杂志最前沿的动态,并自己开发算法和软件。在DCEMRI(核磁动态增强)、CT双低、CT灌注、影像组学、体模等方面开展深入临床研究。

本期解读科学家 徐潇,AA团队(纽约大学) 研究方向:DCE-MRI,软件平台客户培训,PKRC青年大讲堂
Mismatch of Low Perfusion and High Permeability Predicts Hemorrhagic Transformation Region in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients Treated with Intra-arterial Thrombolysis 作者:Hui Chen1, Nan Liu1, Ying Li1, Max Wintermark2, Alan Jackson3, Bing Wu4, Zihua Su5, Fei Chen1, Jun Hu6, Yongwei Zhang7 & Guangming Zhu1 单位:1.中国人民解放军陆军总医院神经内科 2. Stanford University, Department of Radiology 3. Wolfson Molecular Imaging Centre, University of Manchester 4. 中国人民解放军陆军总医院放射科 5.GE医疗生命科学部 6.重庆第三军医大学附属西南医院神经内科 7.上海第二军医大学附属长海医院神经内科 杂志:Scientific Report 文章来源:Chen, H. et al.
Mismatch of Low Perfusion and High Permeability Predicts Hemorrhagic
Transformation Region in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients Treated with
Intra-arterial Thrombolysis. Sci.
Rep. 6,
27950; doi: 10.1038/srep27950 (2016)
This study sought to determine whether the
permeability related parameter Ktrans, derived from computed tomography perfusion ( CTP& )
imaging, can predict hemorrhagic transformation ( HT& )patients with acute
ischemic stroke who receive intra-arterial thrombolysis. Data from patients
meeting the criterion were examined. CTP was performed and Ktrans maps were used to
assess the permeability values in HT and non-HT regions. A receiver operating
characteristic (ROC& )curve was calculated, showing the sensitivity and
specificity of Ktrans for
predicting HT risk. Composite images were produced to illustrate the spatial
correlations among perfusion, permeability changes and HT. This study examined
41 patients. Twenty-six patients had hemorrhagic infarction and 15 had
parenchymal hemorrhage. The mean Ktrans value in HT regions
was significantly lower than that in the non-HT regions (0.26 ± 0.21/min vs. 0.78 ± 0.64/min; P < 0.001 ).The ROC
curve analysis identified an optimal cutoff value of 0.334/min for Ktrans to predict HT risk. Composite images suggested
ischemic regions with low permeability, or the mismatch area of low perfusion
and high permeability, more likely have HT. HT regions after intra-arterial
thrombolysis had lower permeability values on Ktrans maps. The mismatch
area of lower perfusion and higher permeability are more likely to develop HT.
摘要 1,本研究主要利用CTP头部灌注成像定量分析得到渗透性参数和灌注参数的不匹配性来评估进行血管内溶栓的急性出血性脑卒中患者的出血转化。26名病人出血性栓塞形成,15名病人脑实质出血。出现出血转化的感兴趣区的渗透性参数Ktrans值明显低于非出血转化区域。 2,多模态图像显示低渗透性的缺血区,或者病灶感兴趣区出现低灌注、高渗透率不匹配情况,更可能出血转化。 3,动脉内溶栓治疗后的出血转化区域会出现更低的渗透性Ktrans值。 4,高渗透低灌注的不匹配区域更可能促进出血转化。 简介 对于进行溶栓治疗的急性缺血性脑卒中的病人来说,多模态MR成像和CT扫描成像,特别是CTP灌注成像是可以提供更多的定量参数来进行出血转化的预测的,例如比较低的脑血容积CBV和血脑屏障BBB破坏后产生的渗透性Ktrans。很多研究建议升高的Ktrans可能预示着血管再通治疗以后的出血转化。在本研究中,学者们假设在血管再通前损伤严重的组织中渗透性是很低的,通过Ktrans预测出血转化,以及鉴别Hemorrhagic Infarction& #40;HI& #41;和Parenchymal Hemorrhage& #40;PH& #41;。 诊断 所有病人均行CT平扫,CTA和CTP一站式扫描,利用Omni Kinetics软件结合Patlak单室模型从CTP图像计算Ktrans以表现渗透性,利用灌注模型计算达峰反应时间Tmax已表现灌注定量结果。从出现症状到成像时间、入院时的NIHSS评分、Non Contrast CT成像ASPECTS评分、侧支血流分数、颈动脉狭窄率、CTP的梗死核心、CTP缺血半暗带、CTP缺血总体积、HT区域渗透性结果、非HT区域渗透性结果、最终梗死体积、和90天mRS,采用Wilcoxon秩和检验比较。 结论 HI和PH组的渗透性参数Ktrans均明显低于出血转化区域。其中豆状核有HT风险最高。通过将渗透性参数伪彩图和灌注伪彩图的融合,发现低灌注和高渗透的不匹配区域既是出血转化区域。如Figure.5
全文文献如下: MR 16 2016 Mismatch of Low Perfusion and High Permeability Predicts Hemorrhagic Transformation Region in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients Treated with Intra-arterial Thrombolysis.pdf
点击文献解读下方链接,查看文献全文 Using Standard First-Pass Perfusion Computed Tomographic Data to Evaluate Collateral Flow in Acute Ischemic Stroke 作者:Hui Chen, MD*; Bing Wu, MD, PhD*; Nan Liu, MD; Max Wintermark, MD; Zihua Su, PhD; Ying Li, MD; Jun Hu, MD, PhD; Yongwei Zhang, MD; Weiwei Zhang, MD, PhD; Guangming Zhu, MD, PhD 单位:中国人民解放军陆军总医院,GE医疗生命科学部 杂志:Stroke 文章来源:Stroke. 2015;46:961-967. DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.114.008015. Background and Purpose—The study aims to determine whether volume transfer constant (Ktrans ) maps calculated from first-pass perfusion computed tomographic data are a biomarker of cerebral collateral circulation and predict the clinical outcome in acute ischemic stroke caused by proximal arterial occlusion. Methods—Consecutive patients with acute occlusion of the middle cerebral artery who received endovascular treatment were enrolled. Digital subtraction angiography, computed tomographic angiography with maximum intensity projection, and Ktrans maps were used to assess their collateral circulation. Agreement between different methods was evaluated using the χ2 tests. The correlations of various radiological and clinical outcomes with the collateral flow score, as determined from Ktrans maps, were calculated. Results—Seventy-five patients were included, comprising 39 women and 36 men, with a mean age of 65.3±14.6 years. Collateral flow score on Ktrans maps had the highest correlation with digital subtraction angiography (κ=0.8101; P=0.9796 )Twenty-five patients had poor collateral circulation on Ktrans maps, 25 had intermediate collateral flow, 20 had good collateral flow, and 5 had excellent collateral flow. Better collateral circulation was associated with better clinical outcome (P<0.0001 ) Conclusions—Ktrans maps extracted from standard first-pass perfusion computed tomography are correlated with collateral circulation status after acute proximal arterial occlusion and predictive of outcome. Key Words: perfusion, stroke
摘要 本研究主要目标是研究由CTP首过模型获得的渗透性参数是否可以作为侧枝循环的生物标志物以及预测由近端动脉闭塞引起的急性缺血性脑卒中。接受过血管内治疗的大脑中动脉急性闭塞病人行DSA,CTA和CTP扫描。结果显示基于CTP渗透性参数Ktrans的Collateral Flow Score(CFS)与基于DSA的CFS具有最高的相关性。更好的侧枝循环则预示着更好的临床结果。 简介 好的侧枝循环的建立与较低的出血转化率,提高的再灌注率,更小的梗死核心,以及更好的临床结果是具有相关性的。而作为一种无创的诊断方法,CTP和CTA是否可以作为评估侧枝循环的“金标准”值得讨论。 诊断 在本研究中使用了Patlak单室血流动力学模型计算了血脑屏障破坏以后的渗透性参数Ktrans,而这种算法在脑卒中数据中的应用鲁棒性和可重复性都是非常不错的,往往在CTP及DCE-MRI的渗透性方面分析中均结合首过(First-pass)模型进行计算。获取Ktrans后,研究者通过获取基于CTA-MIP的CFS,基于DSA的CFS和基于Ktrans的CFS进行统计分析其相关性。将血管再灌注与血管再通情况、modified Ranking Score(mRS)等作为脑卒中患者后期病灶发展情况作为标准评价三种扫描方式获取的CFS的诊断价值。 结果 本研究结果显示,吸烟者和高血压患者更加可能会较差的侧枝循环的建立。侧枝循环较差的病例(基于CTP Ktrans的CFS=1)梗死灶的体积也非常大,最终梗死灶体积也会相比CFS其他分数组更大。而侧枝循环较好的病例会有一个比较好的临床结果,具有更多的mRS≤2的病人。 在CTP、CTA和DSA的相关性分析中CTP Ktrans与DSA具有最高的相关性,同时CTA-MIP与Ktrans,DSA与CTA-MIP的相关性也均具有统计学意义。同时基于Ktrans的CFS值与基于DSA的CFS也具有高度的一致性。如Figure 2.
结论 在急性缺血性脑卒中患者中,更加坚强的侧枝循环则预示着更好的血管再通,更好的血流再灌注,和更好的临床治疗效果。高级影像方法对侧枝循环更好的处理可以使半暗带和梗死核心有更加明显的区别,也可以使半暗带被保护更长的时间不变成不可逆的梗死灶,溶栓后引起更加小的最终梗死体积(FIV)。 CTP结合First-Pass首过Patlak模型定量计算的Ktrans作为一种无创的方法应用于近端动脉闭塞引起的急性缺血性脑卒中后的侧枝循环的建立,其诊断效能相比CTA,和目前的“金标准”DSA具有更高的一致性和相关性。一个具有基于Ktrans的CFS评分较高的患者,预示着他将会有更好的侧着循环的建立,也可能有更好的临床结果。 全文文献如下: MR 17 2015 Using Standard First-Pass Perfusion Computed Tomographic Data to Evaluate Collateral Flow in Acute Ischemic Stroke.pdf